Bringing your interior design dreams to life.

Commercial & Residential Premium Painting.

Highly recommended premium painting

We are a team of experienced painters in Dublin with over 5 years experience in the industry of painting and decoration. Our goal is to help bring your vision and interior design dreams to life & we aim to do this in the most efficient & professional way possible.


“Lucas is so professional, excellent job on my new house recently. his work is 5 star plus.”

— Catherine Murray.

“Lucas and his team did a great Job for us. They were professional, turned up when they said they would and did what they said they would do. They were also very accommodating, clean and tidy and conscientious when in our house. Lucas takes great pride in his work and that was clear in the end product that he delivered for us..”

— Kevin Kerrigan.

“This painter is very very good he takes pride in his work, reliable, hard working, very clean and tidy and his finishing is brilliant 5 stars thank you.”

— Shaz Shaz.

Book a free quote

When you get in touch we will discuss exactly what it is that you would like done with your home. Once we have all the details we will then prepare a quote completely free of charge and walk you through every step of the process.